Friday, July 12, 2013

for the Queen...

Earlier this year, I got my hands on some very old wood, doors & windows.
 Slowly I've been finding them a new role in my home.

Iv'e had this dream of having my own greenhouse,
and with a lot of help from my son Viktor 
...I now own this beautiful "mini greenhouse" 

Work in progress...
( Lucky me, I know!!)

Meet the "Queen of Denmark" and beautiful!

I like "new" things made from old stuff.

 Happy weekend!!


  1. I love it! And I love that you've got the rustic look naturally, rather than buying the rustic "look" which can be so expensive! Great idea :)

  2. Lovely!
    I lev old Windows for almost anything,and it is always a treasure to Get my hands on some.Not hard to see You love yours AS well and found the perfect use for Them!Love your Queen to!!!
    Happy weekend!
    Tovehugs :)

  3. Your mini green house are really attractive. MDF wood like it.

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