Sunday, December 5, 2010

magic red...

Even though
I'm going for white in my
christmas decorations I simply cannot
deny that there is something magical about the color

source: cox and cox

source : cox and cox

source: umla

source: cox and cox

source: taverne-agency


  1. algjörlega sammála, þessi krans þarna á hurðinni er eitthvað fyrir mig ;-)

  2. gaman að heyra frá þér LatteLisa...
    vissi ekki að þú værir frá íslandi ;)
    bkv auður

  3. Hello Skùla! Ser at Magny skriv norsk til deg? Er det OK? :) Fann deg hos Franciska, og elsker bilda du viser! Tell me if you rather like the comments in english! I just love your blog!

    Have a nice decemberweek!
    Love Elin

  4. Hello Elin and thank you for your comment..
    As I lived in denmark for some years, I can manage in danish, and I only understand some few words in norsk!!
    so maybe best to use english !! hehe
    have a nice week...
