Thursday, May 31, 2012

big old chair...

I bought this big old chair on a flea market, only because it's so 
incredible nice to sit in it (it wasn't the look, believe me ;).

I new it would have to be changed dramatically if I where to bring 
it in to our all grey living room, but the good thing was, that the cover of
the chair was not damaged or torn so the challenge was to some
how change the look of the chair so it would fit in.

so this is what I did ;

It did take some time & work but now we all
love this big old comfortable chair so
much more.

Thank you for stopping by.


  1. Oh my God,what a transformation!!!!!The chair turned out fantastic,I am sitting here with my mouth wide open.And sighing!!!
    Once more your work and talent amaze me!!!!¨
    Tove :)))

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment Tove, you are a very nice blogfriend.
      au ;)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hvar fæ ég "málningu" til þess að lita áklæði?
    ég er með tvo stóla sem mig langar svo að gefa andlitslyftingu en hef hvergi séð liti sem ég get notað til þess að lita áklæðið.

    mér finnst breytingin á þessu stól hjá þér alveg meiriháttar.

